
Note globale : ★★★★ Avis certifiés

25 avis | 1036 Abonnés

N°10 en sur 93 entreprises

Anonyme, CGI, Manager management

“ Very interesting evolutionary journey ”

Avis déposé le 26/02/2015

Note globale : ★★★★

Salaire / Avantages ★★★★

Evolution de carrières ★★★★

Management ★★★★★

Culture ★★★★

Equilibre vie pro / privée ★★★★

Assessment: Very interesting evolutionary journey: consultant/Designer/project leader in customer - Deputy CIO - management controller - Coordinator if Finance

Skills obtained: Insurance (casualty - life - Credit) - industrial Marketing - Management IT - accounting - management control

Strengths &weaknesses:+: - quality of service - process: management (subsidiary France compared the Corporate)

What you have more or less appreciated:+: working atmosphere - autonomy - culture - progression -: HR management