
Note globale : ★★★★ Avis certifiés

25 avis | 1036 Abonnés

N°10 en sur 93 entreprises

Anonyme, CGI, Consultant

“ There is no problem of communication with the hierarchy ”

Avis déposé le 22/04/2015

Note globale : ★★★★

Salaire / Avantages ★★★★

Evolution de carrières ★★★★★

Management ★★★★★

Culture ★★★★★

Equilibre vie pro / privée ★★★★

Assessment: I am currently a consultant on TIBCO within CGI products. I am on a mission for different clients as an expert. I joined CGI in July 2006. I went through the following positions: developer, analyst programmer, analyst, and finally consultant.

Skills obtained: The skills I developed are mainly technical tools that I mastered now, but I also learned a lot about project management, managing teams and customer relationship.

Advantages: The advantages of a small agency of ESN are proximity and atmosphere that prevails there. Here everyone will know. There is no problem of communication with the hierarchy.

Disadvantage: The disadvantages are: mobility (which can be an advantage for some), short-term missions and the risks of not having mission for some time.

Advice to the company: I find that the company focuses too much on the corporate culture. For a NGE with a turnover as important, I do not think we can ask employees to be also turned to the corporate culture. What does not preclude to invest locally in the life of the Agency.