
Note globale : ★★★★ Avis certifiés

25 avis | 1036 Abonnés

N°10 en sur 93 entreprises

Anonyme, CGI

“ The management has a certain heaviness in the hierarchical layers due to the size of group ”

Avis déposé le 02/07/2015

Note globale : ★★★★★

Salaire / Avantages ★★★★★

Evolution de carrières ★★★★★

Management ★★★★★

Culture ★★★★★

Equilibre vie pro / privée ★★★★

Assessment: CGI works according to proven procedures and apply the processes rigorously. Pilotage through indicators allows to bring visibility to the direction but adds a heaviness to the day-to-day management. I could see inside the functioning of a group, learn from these modes of operation and bring my expertise as a team.

Skills obtained: Mainly of business skills (improve the strategic overview of the accounts, preparation of offers, apprehension of functional issues and techniques diverrses)

Advantages: Good ambience overall, Anglo-Saxon culture focused on selling, management of proximity, so human...

Disadvantage: The Anglo-Saxon culture is very "controlling" (pretty little autonomy within agencies ultimately), management has a certain heaviness in the hierarchical layers due to the size of group, which removes the flexibility and reactivity. CGI assists junior profiles to grow, but offers fewer opportunities to senior profiles. CGI offers wage conditions slightly below market

A Business Council: Provide the practices/methods in the agencies, but give them greater autonomy in the operation to be more competitive and efficient.